Saturday, October 23, 2010

long time no see!!!

Hey people, Its been quite some time since i had post things again...
Hows life?
CCA had jux resumed yesterday :(
There is a good thing and MORE BAD THINGS (sry if th English sounds wrong :p)
Good: The instructer changed into a "not so fierce" one
Bad: 1) This new instructer had a high expectation
        2) I have to rush to tuition RIGHT AFTER  dance
*cryin now, please dun disturb*

Aw... my body ache now *continue crying*

Oh yea, theres a new group and song i recommend: Kat-Tun (cute name sound like cartoon)
I am kindda new to this grp, I only started knowing them when i watch Gokusen 2 and the SUPPER SHUAI guy was a member of Kat-Tun...(This guy is call Kamenashi Kazuya, I fainted becos of him)... Anyway, this group have really nice songs, like Love yourself, real face, no more pain etc...

Well, holidaay is coming soon, so wish you people had a nice holiday >.<